penelope cruz pirates - pirates of the caribbean 4

As they continue along with their European press tour, Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz were once again side-by-side for the "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" photocall during the 64th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France on Saturday (May 14).

The fabulous co-stars both looked splendid as they took to the Palais des Festivals venue while joining up with co-stars Geoffrey Rush, Sam Caflin, Ian McShane and Astrid Berges-Frisbey.

Set to hit theaters on May 20th, the film's director, Rob Marshall, recently spoke to Parade magazine about how he dealt with the news of Penelope's pregnancy - which became known just a week prior to shooting the much-awaited picture.

Marshall explained, “We were like, uhhhhh. I said, ‘Are you going to be okay sword fighting with a baby in your stomach?’ But she was up for it. She said she’d understand if we had to replace her, but she didn’t want to be replaced. It took more time, ultimately, but she was worth it."

 Rob also addressed questions as to whether this will be the last of Captain Jack Sparrow, telling, “It’s like the James Bond series. I think there are probably lots of stories still to tell.”

The Republicans Have Less than $99 Billion to Go Before Signing Their Death Wish in Congress

Have you seen the national debt? It is now at $14.195 trillion and probably much higher as I type this. That means Congress has less than $100 billion to go before they reach the debt ceiling. As you know, this is probably a done deal, no matter how much political kicking and screaming that goes on in front of the cameras, the Republicans, who just passed a meager bill to keep the government operating in exchange for some really meager spending cuts and who failed to even come close to the $100 billion in spending cuts promised, more than likely will vote to raise the debt ceiling. They almost have to considering their compromise with Obama for the Bush tax cuts. They were clearly outplayed.

“The Treasury Department now estimates that the United States will reach the debt limit between April 15, 2011 and May 31, 2011."

Time Magazine: Where is Karl Marx When You Need Him?

The main stream media isn't even hiding anymore. They are quite open about turning the United States into a Karl Marx brand of socialism country. Consider this sad article from Time released yesterday:

Before I started writing this column on why paychecks are likely to keep shrinking even if unemployment starts to inch down, I consulted Google to see if the term Marxism was trending upward. It was and has been ever since the end of December, the conclusion of a year in which workers' share of the U.S. economic pie shrank to the smallest piece ever: 54.4% of GDP, down from about 60% in the 1970s.

No wonder Marx is back in fashion. It's been more than 100 years since the German philosopher predicted that capitalism's voraciousness would be its undoing - as bosses invest more in new technologies to make things more cheaply and efficiently and less in workers themselves, who, deprived of fair wages, would eventually rise up and revolt. That hasn't happened, of course, though depressed wages certainly contributed to the revolution in Egypt, not to mention lots of other instances of public unrest over the past few years. But the fact that wages in the U.S. and most other rich countries have been falling since the 1970s and went off a cliff after the recent financial crisis is going to become a more pressing economic and political concern. Just think how hard it will be for Obama to sell himself in 2012 if salaries are still falling. (See 25 people to blame for the financial crisis.)

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is Going to Milk 49 States so New York Can Have Cheaper Milk

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is preparing to squeeze the taxpayers teat all so New York can have cheaper milk. She announced plans today to ensure federal help gets to New York's declining dairy farm industry.

The state lost 23 percent of its dairy farms in five years. Gillibrand will announce emergency steps such as preventing cuts to the Milk Income Loss program and fixing the milk-pricing system to create competitive pricing for New York dairy producers.

From 2002 to 2007, New York State lost nearly 25 percent of all dairy farms, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and continues to lose dairy farms.

Like I said, she is going to squeeze the other 49 to ensure New York has cheaper milk, and I cannot for the life of me see how this fits under interstate commerce since the goal here is to deliver New York Milk to New Yorkers. So expect federal subsidies to ensure Senator Gillibrand fixes the prices just like other agriculture subsidies have done the same.

Six Republicans Jump Off the Boehner Keep the Government Operating Express

John Boehner lost the support of six Republicans with his plan to prevent the government from shutting down. Reps. Justin Amash (R., Mich.), Michele Bachmann (R., Minn.), Louie Gohmert (R., Texas), Steve King (R., Iowa), Ron Paul (R., Texas), and Walter Jones (R., N.C.) all voted against Boehner's meager $4 billion spending cuts to prevent the shutdown. Amash was the only freshman to vote no.

The two-week spending resolution cuts spending by $4 billion dollars and ensures the government will function at full steam ahead for another two weeks. By the way, to show you how insignificant this $4 billion in cuts is, the federal government spends $36 billion a day as of 2008, and as of 2007, the daily average added to the national debt totaled $4.15 billion. That number has skyrocketed since Obama took office.

Why is John Boehner so intent on keeping the government operating at full-capacity rather than slow it down until Democrats are willing to cut critical programs that continue this absurd building of the national debt?

I support the efforts of my GOP colleagues to move the budget process along so that we can work toward serious spending reductions. Unfortunately, this budget cuts spending at the rate of only $133 million/week or $6.95 billion/year. That’s four-tenths of one percent of our annual deficit.

By the way, fed up with wasteful spending Billy Long once again sided with the establishment. oh, yes Long continues to prove himself as a budget-cutting JOKE.

Obama to Hit States Up for $118 Billion to Cover Medicaid Expansion

Obama has been given states and their rights some lust lately. You can't call it love, because lust, and not love, betrays. Remember last week, Obama said the states could opt out of Obamacare under certain conditions. Consider the next fact, and ask yourself how is any state going to opt out when the federal government comes after this large sum of money from struggling states across the fruited plain.

Obamacare is set to expand Medicare. For this expansion, the federal government will look to the states for $118 billion dollars total by 2023. Here's what you need to know from National Review:

The massive increases in new federal spending under the health care law did not include the new Medicaid state spending mandates; and American taxpayers are still discovering the extent of PPACA’s costs. In 2017, state governments will be forced to spend new money on expanded Medicaid populations, and by 2020, the states will shoulder these new costs fully. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) originally estimated new state spending on Medicaid at $20 billion between 2017 and 2019, and an independent report from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured found that new state spending would be even higher at $43.2 billion through 2019. More recently, CBO has estimated a $60 billion cost to the states through 2021. …

This report conservatively estimates that PPACA will cost state taxpayers at least $118.04 billion through 2023.

The state-by-state findings9 of this report indicate just how unrealistic PPACA’s Medicaid mandates are for the states. California will spend at least another $19.4 billion on Medicaid; perhaps that is why former Governor Schwarzenegger said, “It is not reform to push more costs on states that are already struggling … and this bill … is a disaster for California…” The Texas Health and Human Services Commission estimated that Texas alone will be forced to spend $27 billion—more than the program’s entire annual budget today. The state of Idaho found that the law would grow its Medicaid program by nearly 50 percent. With $675 million in new costs for his state, it is not surprising that Governor Beshear (D-KY) recently said, “I have no idea how we’re going to pay for it.” Finally, former Governor Bredesen (D-TN) noted reality: “I can’t think of a worse time for this bill to be coming … nobody’s going to put their state into bankruptcy or their education system in the tank for it.”

March 2011: I Turn 40 This Month: Bungalow Bill's Mid-Life Crisis is Upon Us

I am amazed at how fast this month really did come. The last ten years have flown by. I have no clue where they went, and now it is March 2011. In just over two weeks, I turn 40. I really don't know how I feel about that. In some ways, it's just another day and another number, but then there is that reality check. Forty...

Anyway, I think Bungalow Bill is having a mid-life crisis, and I can't even put the top down on the car to deal with it like so many have before me. So I guess I will just listen to one of my favorite songs. Here's Jack Johnson doing one of Jimmy Buffet's classics--A Pirate Looks at 40.

Redefining Rigorous: The Truth About the International Baccalaureate

I believe the Federal Government has not Constitutional authority to be involved in education. The more the federal government pushes a one size fits all education policy, the more it seems American test scores suffer. Now, all across the United States, more and more schools, like Ozark High School in one of the most conservative areas of the country, are looking past the federal education program and are looking to give up more local control to an international body. You heard me right. The program is called the International Baccalaureate, and it's the same globalist agenda Barack Obama and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers pushed through the Chicago Public Schools.

The curriculum is approved by the United Nations and developed in Europe--far away from American schools. It teachers children to be good little globalists. I have been recently introduced to a book written by Lisa E. McLoughlin. Her book, titled Redefining Rigourous: The Truth About the International Baccalaureate details why Ozark High School and school systems across the United States should approach the IB with caution.

Redefining Rigorous

BBCW is not Selling Viagra

Some readers noticed that Viagra article today. BBCW was hacked earlier today, and fortunately the damage done was minimal. The articles have been removed and extra precautions have ensured it won't happen again.

While American Children Play PS3, Pakistani Kids Pretend to be Suicide Bombers

There is a video that is outraging many. Here's the video:

So, I guess my question is what's the difference between these kids emulating violence and American children playing war on PS3 or Xbox 360? I know this isn't the position you might think I would take, but just like these Pakistani kids are conditioned to believe this is fun, a lot of war games promote this same conditioning. I sometimes wonder if the real consequences of war are understood as history books have been replaced by simulated battles, multiple lives, and a reset button.

Did Charlie Sheen Say it or Did Muammar Gaddafi Say It?

A new Web site out there asks whose rant is it, Charlie Sheen or Muammar Gaddafi? In the last week, Sheens rants have caused disruptions as have Gaddfis. So whose rant is it? Here are the rants:

1. I have defeated this earthworm with my words – imagine what I would have done with my fire-breathing fists

2. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body

3. Life without dignity is worthless

4. I'm extremely old-fashioned, I'm a nobleman, I'm chivalrous

5. I am like the Queen of England

6. I am much bigger than any rank, for those who are talking about rank, I am a fighter

7. Every great movement begins with one man

8. These resentments, they are the rocket fuel that lives in the tip of my sabre

9. I woke up at 4am, before dawn. You should be asleep. You're all tired after a sleepless night

10. 9/11 was 'an absolute fairytale, a complete work of fiction'


1. Sheen
2. Sheen
3. Gaddafi
4. Sheen
5. Gaddafi
6. Gaddafi
7. Sheen
8. Sheen
9. Gaddafi
10. Sheen

Adding to the Kennedy Womanizing Legacy: A Rented Brothel

When it comes to sex and politics, the name Kennedy comes to mind. You had both John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy sharing Marilyn Monroe and then throwing her out with the garbage. Jackie Kennedy made the pages of Hustler naked, and of course there was the waitress sandwich incident with Ted Kennedy. So the next story shouldn't surprise anyone.

In 1961, Ted Kennedy rented out a brothel for the night--you know cat house, hookers, best little whore house in Texas, Moonlight Bunny Ranch in Nevada type of place. In a new document released by the FBI, a year before Ted Kennedy ran for the US Senate, he attempted to rent the brothel for the night in Chile.

According to the memo, the Massachusetts Democrat made arrangements to rent the brothel "for an entire night" in Santiago earlier in 1961. "Kennedy allegedly invited one of the Embassy chauffeurs to participate in the night's activities," according to the memo.

One State Department official described Kennedy as "pompous and a spoiled brat," according to the memo. Kennedy was making a fact-finding trip to several Latin American countries. "Kennedy met with a number of individuals known to have communist sympathies," the memo said.

It's all part of the Kennedy legacy... I am sure there are more stories to tell.

The Word of the Day in Washington DC is Ass: How Appropriate

The word of the day in Washington DC is ass. It seems everyone is using it these days. In case you missed it earlier, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) is worried the public is going to thing Congress is a bunch of "jackasses" with the release of a report showing the extreme government waste. As if Senator Coburn didn't think we were smart enough to figure it out on our own without another report reminding us that consumed more tax dollars.

Now Senator Orrin Hatch is using the word ass. He is calling Obamacare dumb-ass program. I think most knew that as well.

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You know, this rhetoric reminds me of 1992, when George H.W. Bush began using the words Bozo and Ozoneman to describe Bill Clinton and Al Gore. It may make some headlines, but it does little more. In both of these cases, what are you going to do about it Senator Coburn and Senator Hatch?

Obama Gives Mitt for Brains Romney a Shining Endorsement

I hope yesterday was the nail in Mitt for Brains Romney's presidential aspirations coffin. Yesterday, Barack Obama praised Mitt Romney, and it is the type of praise Republicans, Constitutional conservatives, and libertarians should pay attention to.

In recent days, it appears Obama's fight for Obamacare will be around structuring language that allows the states to opt out of Obamacare. However, there is a catch that's just as unconstitutional as Obamacare. Obama wants to force the states to adopt their own version of Obamacare, similar to Romney's healthcare plan in Massachusetts, and as we found out earlier today, this all is in hopes of pushing a single-payer system. Now Obama has little authority to tell the states to do anything, but he is trying to create the illusion states have rights in this matter, when that isn't his intention at all.

As Obama addressed the National Governors Association conference yesterday, he praised Mitt for Brains Romney.

"In fact, I agree with Mitt Romney, who recently said he's proud of what he accomplished on health care in Massachusetts and supports giving states the power to determine their own health care solutions," Obama said.

Do I need to remind you the Romneycare system is broke and Massachusetts is another one of those states needing a bailout? So what Obama is saying also is he is proud of a failing system that is crippling the state forcing more dependence on the federal government, while using a Decepticon's healthcare system in Massachusetts to promote his own agenda. Why is the Republican party even allowing Mitt for Brains Romney into this race considering?

Perhaps, the GOP isn't as against socialized healthcare as they would have you believe. After all, they are promising repeal and REPLACE.

Obama's Healthcare Flexibility is Really Federal Health Care Expansion

Those rascally Republicans have all but forgotten about their promise to repeal Obamacare. They did their vote and then they got quiet. Meanwhile, behind closed doors, the evil mad scientist known as Barack Obama began wondering how he could expand Obamacare, and it appears he is going to do it by acting like he cares about states rights. Remember, Obama told the states they could opt out providing they come up with something that meets the goals of Obamacare. The Politico reports today something more sinister is happening behind closed doors.

A source on a White House conference call with liberal allies this morning says the Administration is presenting it to Democrats as an opportunity to offer more expansive health care plans than the one Congress passed.

You didn't think Obama was going to give up the idea of full socialist single-payer healthcare in American did you? Sound the death panel warnings, the current version of Obamacare will soon be dead, and Obama has plans to replace it while the Republicans twiddle their thumbs.

The source on the call summarizes the officials' point -- which is not one the Administration has sought to make publically -- as casting the new "flexibility" language as an opportunity to try more progressive, not less expansive, approaches on the state level.

"They are trying to split the baby here: on one hand tell supporters this is good for their pet issues, versus a message for the general public that the POTUS is responding to what he is hearing and that he is being sensible," the source emails. (This CNN story reflects the public presentation.)

Much of the debate now focuses on the federal government's power, and perhaps health care legislation's critics wouldn't object to single payer -- in Vermont.

There you go. The end game has been exposed of Obama's new flexibility. That didn't take long, but who is surprised?

Senator Tom Coburn States What We Already Knew: Congress is Full of "Jackasses"

I like Senator Tom Coburn, but I find he has overestimated the people's faith in Congress. I am surprised.

Sen. Tom Coburn issued a cryptic warning about a Government Accountability Office report that will be released Tuesday morning, saying it will make “all of us look like jackasses.”

The Oklahoma Republican, who’s read the GAO report, refused to elaborate or say what led him to that conclusion. But the report, which was later leaked to several news outlets, identified billions of dollars in waste from overlap and duplication in federal agencies, offices and programs.

For example, there are about 80 federal programs across several agencies aimed at promoting economic development, according to the Wall Street Journal, which received a copy of the report. And there are 20 programs that seek to address homelessness.

“Read the report that comes out tomorrow from the GAO that looked at the government that we put in the last debt-limit extension – makes us all look like jackasses. …” Coburn told reporters at the Capitol on Monday night. “Go study that. It will show why we are $14 trillion in debt.”

With all due respect Senator Coburn, isn't the fact alone that we have $14 trillion in debt justification for calling Congress a bunch of jackasses? I mean nobody can get away with running their business like this and expect to survive.

Texas Calls for an Article V Convention to Balance the Federal Budget

Last week, news was hitting about Rand Paul calling for an Article V convention (not a Constitutional Convention) to get the states to force the federal government to balance the budget. Now the state of Texas is jumping on board.

By a vote of 27 to 7, the Texas State Senate approved Senate Joint Resolution 1, which calls for a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Billy Long, The Congressman Has No Clothes: Not Fed Up, Not Constitutional, and Now Not Tea Party

Hans Christian Anderson's tale The Emperor's New Clothes, tells the tale of a not very bright leader who is exposed to his followers. In the first two months of Congressman Billy Long's first and hopefully only term in Congress, we have quickly learned Billy Long has stripped naked and exposed who he is, and it's not a pretty site.

With news coming out of Washington that Billy Long will not caucus with the Tea Party Caucus, the final piece of fraud has been ripped away from Long's body, and I say good. Anyone who believed Billy Long was Tea Party and not establishment was a fool. However, isn't it funny after Vicky Hartzler voted to continue federal funding of Amtrak, she thinks she can pass herself off as Tea Party? She joined and Long didn't.

Billy Long has embraced the establishment of Washington DC. His best friend these days appears to be Republican Gun Grabber Peter King, who Long seems to have no problem co-sponsoring legislation with. So let's look at Billy Long's Tea Party record, the same Billy Long who said he was Tea Party before Tea Party was cool.

In his first two months, Long voted against the Constitution and for the  Patriot Act. Shortly before his Patriot Act vote, Long used the FBI's office to intimidate a Tea Party blogger into silence. All the while, Long has yet to introduce any legislation that cuts federal spending while lying the Republicans cut $100 billion in federal spending, when they didn't even get close, while Congressman Long voted to continue funding wasteful Washington spending like sponsoring NASCAR teams. So finally, because Long must be fed up with Tea Parties and trying to convince people he is Tea Party, he decides he won't caucus with the Tea Party Caucus as now his entire soul has been exposed as the establishment. Your Congressman has no clothes. Will you continue to believe his lies?

Obama's Pseudo Kindness to the States: Opt Out of Obamacare, but Run Your Own Obamacare

Obama says he now favors states opting out of Obamacare, but there is a condition. In Obama's strange and convoluted world, he is okay with the states opting out as long as they participate in something resembling Obamacare. I guess Obama really doesn't understand that 10th Amendment. He has no Constitutional authority to tell the states what laws to pass in their state legislatures.

John Boehner Saves the Federal Government From Shutting Down, and Look How He Did It

John Boehner is looking more like a joke with each passing day. Rather than stand up to a crazy federal budget and play hardball, Boehner is all but conceding to the demand of the Democrats who are spreading fear the federal government my shut down. My friends, that isn't a bad thing, especially if it slows down federal spending.

“This is very simple: Americans want the government to stay open, and they want it to spend less money,” Boehner will say.

Let's look at why Boehner is a joke. In basically what appears to be a compromise to keep the full federal government operating, Boehner basically negotiated a 1.5% spending cut over a couple of weeks.

Actually Mr. Boehner, we want many of us want many of the out of control federal bureaucracies closed, and you just ensured they will continue to function without interruption.

Billy Long Looks Unhealthy and Winded at Springfield/Greene County Lincoln Day Event:

The video above was filmed at the 2011 Springfield/Greene County Lincoln Day event. Obviously, there is a lot to be said about this video as in traditional Billy Long fashion, he says very little and has clever sound bites prepared. As well, Long continues to lie about the $100 billion in spending cuts. The Republicans only managed to get $61 billion in cuts.

I want you to notice in this video (put some ear buds in for the full effect), how winded Billy Long sounds. His walk to the stage was short. The great auctioneer's voice paused many times to catch his breath--winded, out of shape, and appearing very unhealthy. Not that Long was ever the model of perfect health, but I don't think I have seen him this winded before has he has given a speech. I mean during the Republican primary last year, Long could whip out a speech and barely take a breath. That's just the opposite in the video above. (Perhaps he was just nervous about having to lie about the $100 billion in cuts.)

One has to wonder of life in DC is taking its toll on Billy Long. Is this a healthy occupation where the temptation for free treats and being locked up in an office or on the House floor and the various social events each night lead to more temptations. Should Southwest Missouri be concerned about their Congressman's health?

On another note, it has been written the Southwest Missouri GOP had a record crowd in Springfield yesterday for Lincoln Day. Notice the lack of enthusiasm for winded Congressman Long--even as he pushes the lie of the $100 billion in cuts. The applause is minimal--and it isn't encouraging or exciting. It's obligatory.

Is Obama Pushing for War in Libya?: Tells Gadhafi to Leave Libya Now

One has to wonder if the rhetoric Barack Obama uses against Colonel Moammar Gadhafi is a hint he is willing to go to war. Obama is issuing a warning to Gadhafi, leave Libya now.

Or what?

I guess that's the real question. Will the United States attack another oil rich country and begin another endless war? It's a real possibility. You have to wonder what are the consequences if Gadhafi doesn't leave? When you make a statement like this, there has to be something that backs it up, right?

Obama made the comments to German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a private telephone conversation Saturday as they discussed the violence in Libya. The White House says Obama told Merkel that when a leader’s only means of holding power is to use violence against his people, then he has lost the legitimacy to rule and needs to do what’s right for his country by “leaving now.”

Now, remember, Obama is more of a hawk than his supporters would have you believe. Since he took office, US deaths on the battlefield have risen. As well, Obama promised in October 2007, the first thing he would do as president is end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. However, he has escalated those wars.

Now we look at the very real possibility of a war in Northern Africa. Do we really want Obama and his cronies leading us in a new occupation?

Billy Long Continues the $100 Billion Lie at Greene County Lincoln Day

Yesterday, Republicans gathered in Springfield, Missouri for the annual Greene County Lincoln Day. Congressman Billy Long was there fresh from what I describe as a failure, but Long continues to describe as a success through the insistent lie. From the Springfield News-Leader:

[Billy] Long, of Springfield, touted the freshman class and credited his fellow members for a proposed $100 billion reduction in spending. He said it is a testament to the clout of the new members.

"They know we're there, and we know they know we're there," he said.

So now Long is using the verbiage "proposed $100 billion in reduction of spending." That's about as misleading as saying Obama is a great president who follows the Constitution. You see, the proposed $100 billion in spending cuts shrank to $61 billion in spending cuts, and Long knows this. Yet he still throws around the $100 billion like its fact, hoping all the minions in Southwest Missouri won't notice the Republicans didn't even come close to meeting their goals.

Why? Well perhaps it was Billy Long's opposition to cancel federal funding for NASCAR teams and other wasteful federal spending that got in the way of achieving the $100 billion in cuts.

Let's look at the second part of this quote. Long tries to blend into the collective of freshman signatures claiming to have this big voice. "They know we're there, and we know they know we're there," he said.

Looking at the proposed spending cut amendments of HR1, no one knew Billy Long was there. He didn't have the courage to propose on amendment that offered any spending cuts--not one. What happened to the guy who was "fed up" and was going to Washington to do something? I mean I am not sitting in Washington collecting a huge federal check, but if Long had called me up, I could have offered a number of amendments for federal programs that need to be cut so the Republicans would have been successful at achieving their goal of $100 billion and then some, and Long could have put his name on it. (He seems pretty good at that).

"We got the $100 billion cut. It's like Bette Davis said, 'Fasten your seatbelts; it's going to be a bumpy ride."

No Billy, you only cut 61% of your promise, and that equals a D- in my grade book--barely passing.

Social Security Cuts Coming from Congress: Where Does Billy Long Stand?

I am hearing solid reports, Social Security is on the chopping block. Republicans like the Young Guns aren't pushing to end entitlements, but they are pushing entitlement reform. To save Social Security, there may be some big cuts coming. I am going to explain to you first of all why this is wrong and secondly why Social Security needs to be phased out rather than reformed.

First of all, the money that has been confiscated from you for Social Security was supposed to be set aside in a special fund as a retirement account. This of course, wasn't a solid plan from the beginning when Social Security was signed into law in 1935. Some thirty years later, Lyndon B. Johnson ensured Social Security was on the path to destruction--like everything else the federal government touches.

The federal government DOES NOT fund Social Security! Social Security funds the federal government.

Since the Johnson Administration of the ’60s, the S.S. fund has been plundered and the surplus from the fund used to finance wars and the daily operations of the federal government. This came as a result of Johnson declaring that these surplus funds would be added to the general fund. Once there, the funds could be used for anything and everything.

And that has been the case. In recent years, as Congress has no problem voting themselves pay raises, while padding their lifestyle with lobbyists' generous contributions, the nation's seniors are now dealing with this fact as the cost of living skyrocket, but seniors aren't getting their annual cost of living allowance increases to reflect these rises.

If you have seen your Social Security account statement, you know the statement that tells you what your monthly check will be at retirement, you may have noticed they give you an inflated number and then tell you because Social Security is broken, you will only receive a percentage of this number.

The thing to remember here is Social Security is supposed to be your money. However, the federal government, as you can see hasn't respected that little fact. It hasn't been put into a lock box and they are treating it like your retirement account. In fact, the unfunded liability of Social Security, if most American would just wake up out of their stupor, would be enough to sicken you--many claim over $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

So, Republicans look, from the words of the Young Guns (Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan) are looking at reforming programs like Social Security, which means they still want to confiscate your money and then make promises that are going to fail. This isn't acceptable anymore.

Let's totally phase out Social Security. Let's pass a law that says if you are born on January 1, 2012, you will no longer have money confiscated from you in the guise of F.I.C.A. This would not only prevent this confiscation of wealth for a program the government mismanages, it would free up money in small businesses to hire. Of course, it will never happen. Your benefits will be cut, but you will be promised something because Cantor and Ryan have a plan to fix the impossible--all as they take more of your money.

Now I would try to fight for the average F.I.C.A. contributor, but there would be a huge hole in my plan--a hole I couldn't even try to fix. I would argue the federal government needs to ensure that every American who paid into the system will get a return on their investment equal to the amount they invested. The problem is with that, all the federal government would have to do is start the printing presses, and your investment would be worth nothing.

So instead, they will continue to take money from you--probably at a higher rate in coming years, and they will give you less and less. In fact, the Social Security cuts could be coming as early as next year. I wonder what Congressman Billy Long thinks about this. Remember his answer from above--"for now."

Fok News Channel: Olbermann Hits Rock Bottom in the Gutter

Keith Olbermann has hit rock bottom. In fact, he's in the gutter. He launched his new Web site this past week, which is clearly an attack on Fox News--the news channel he couldn't compete against. Remember, Olmbermann's ratings were bad--really bad.

He calls his new Web site the Fok News Channel, and you can see by the name he clearly would up in the gutter. Just when you thought Olbermann hit rock bottom, he proves he in fact can go lower.

2011 Dodge Charger RT: One Beautiful Piece of Attitude

I am going to break a rule here. While I am not happy with the billions of taxpayer dollars that Chrysler took, I have to say I admire their vision that is the 2011 Dodge Charger. I saw my first 2011 Dodge Hemi Charger RT today, it and it once beautiful piece of attitude. It is pure muscle car, but I fear with gas prices rising as fast as they are, both the muscle car and Chrysler may be an endangered species.

For now, I do want to celebrate this beautiful car!
This is the color of the Charger I ran into, and it works.

The lines in this car are beautiful, and check out that sporty
rear end.

I think the reason I can still stomach Chrysler, Dodge, and MOPAR, is unlike General Motors, they didn't try to lie to the taxpayers that Chrysler had paid back all their bailouts.

S299: Rand Paul Hopes to Pull the Reins on Obama's Executive Orders

Obama's plan is to bypass the new Republican House of Representatives as much as possible. We have already seen Obama pull the unpassed cap and trade legislation from the Senate and tell the EPA to begin regulating carbon emissions. Considering Obama's act against the Defense of Marriage Act this week, we see Obama acting more like a tyrannical dictator more than a President with limited powers.

Fortunately, one Republican continues to fight. That Republican of course is Rand Paul. Paul has introduced S299, also known as the REINS Act (Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2011).

REINS is simple and it needs to be passed to keep Obama in line. From Campaign for Liberty:

Support the REINS Act Petition to:
U.S. Senators

Whereas: For decades, presidents of BOTH parties and their federal agencies have abused their power to "rule by decree" - bypassing Congress and shredding the U.S. Constitution; and

Whereas: During his two years in office, President Obama's administration alone has issued well over TWO HUNDRED new regulations and Executive Orders, all with price tags well over $100 million EACH; and

Whereas: After the results of the 2010 elections, the statists are looking even more to their pet bureaucracies to shove their agenda down the throats of the American people; and

Whereas: The REINS Act would prohibit presidents and out of control government agencies from imposing sweeping new regulations on American citizens without a congressional vote;

Therefore: I urge you to cosponsor and seek roll call votes on Senator Rand Paul's REINS Act (S. 299).

Campaign for Liberty has a petition in which you can sign that will be delivered to members of Congress. You can sign the petition by visiting:

How Billy Long Failed to "Get 'er Done": Promised $100 Billion in Spending Cuts Falls Way Short

Billy Long promised conservatives at CPAC on the $100 billion in spending cuts promised by Republicans, "we got 'er done." The facts are Billy Long helped prevent getting the $100 billion in tax cuts done. The man who claimed he was fed up with wasteful government spending often voted to keep keep wasteful government spending. Here's how Long voted the spending cut amendments for HR1, which was the spending cuts bill John Boehner promised Americans in the Pledge to America.

You will see some of these votes were worthy of a nay, while others, like his vote to continue federal funding of NASCAR race teams leave you scratching your head thinking, "I thought he was fed up with wasteful federal spending."

In the end Billy Long and the Republicans failed to get the promised $100 billion in spending cuts. They got $61 billion. The following are the budget cuts 'fed up' Bill Long voted against:

Amendment No. 1—Rep. Cravaack (R-MN): The amendment would reduce funds to the United States Institutes of Peace by $42.6 million and increase funds to State, Foreign Operations and related programs by $42.6 million.

Amendment No. 2—Rep. Rooney (R-FL): The amendment would reduce funding for the Navy and Air Force (Research, Development, Test and Evaluation) by $225 million each. The funds would be transferred into the Defense spending reduction account. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.

Amendment No. 3—Rep. Tonko (D-NY): The amendment would strike the provision restricting certain funds from being used by the EPA to implement, administer, or enforce a change to a rule or guidance document pertaining to the definition of waters under the jurisdiction of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.

Amendment No. 4—Rep. Tonko (D-NY): The amendment would strike a provision restricting the use of certain funds for the Weatherization Assistance Program.

Amendment No. 7—Rep. Campbell (R-CA): The amendment would reduce the total amount otherwise made available by this Act for the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs by $14 billion.

Amendment No. 8—Rep. Stearns (R-FL): The amendment would restrict funds made available in this

Amendment No. 10—Rep. Stearns (R-FL): The amendment would prohibit funds made available by this Act from being used to regulate or classify coal combustion residuals as a hazardous waste or material.

Amendment No. 12—Rep. McCarthy (D-NY): The amendment would increase and decrease by an equivalent amount the funding level for the Department of Justice, Office of Justice, Programs, State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance. Often Members will use an amendment of this nature in order to clarify within the Congressional Record that funding shall be directed to a specific purpose.

Amendment No. 17—Rep. Tonko (D-NY): The amendment would strike subsections (a) and (b) of section 1824, which states: (a) The level for “Department of Education, Education for the Disadvantaged” shall be $3.9 billion, of which $3.9 billion shall become available on July 1, 2011, and remain available through September 30, 2012 and an additional $10.8 billion to remain available through September 30, 2012, shall be available on October 1, 2011 for academic year 2011–2012. Of the amounts available for such heading, $6.4 billion shall be for basic grants under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act; $1.3 billion shall be for concentration grants; (3) $3 billion shall be for targeted grants; (4) $3 billion shall be for education finance incentive grants. The tenth, eleventh and twelfth provisos under the heading “Department of Education, Education for the Disadvantaged” in division D of Public Law 111–117 shall not apply to funds appropriated by this division.

Amendment No. 21—Rep. Hastings (D-FL): The amendment would increase and decrease by an equivalent amount, the funding level for the Agricultural Programs, Agricultural Research Service, Salaries and Expenses. The amendment would also increase and decrease by an equivalent amount the funding level for Agricultural Programs, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Salaries and Expenses. Often Members will use an amendment of this nature in order to clarify within the Congressional Record that funding shall be directed to a specific purpose.

Amendment No. 22—Rep. Hastings (D-FL): The amendment would prohibit any funds made available in this Act from being used by the Secretary of the Army to acquire land or construct any building or structure within the town of Lake Park, Florida.

Amendment No. 25—Rep. Graves (R-GA): The amendment would prohibit any of the funds made available by this Act from being used to implement or enforce the Report and Order of the Federal Communications Commission relating to the matter of preserving the open Internet and broadband industry practices (FCC 10-201).

Amendment No. 27—Rep. Markey (D-MA): The amendment would prohibit any of the funds made available by this Act from being used to issue any new lease that authorizes the production of oil or natural gas under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to any lessee under any existing lease issued by the Department of the Interior pursuant to the Outer Continental Shelf Deep Water Royalty Relief Act where such existing lease is not subject to limitations on royalty relief based on market prices.

Amendment No. 28—Rep. Chaffetz (R-UT): The amendment would reduce by $4 million the amount made available to Independent Agencies, National Archives and Records Administration, National Historical Publications and Records Commission, Grants Program. The amendment would also increase by $4 million the amount made available to Financial Service, General Government Spending Reduction Account. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.

Amendment No. 33—Rep. Garret (R-NJ): The amendment would prohibit any funds in this bill from paying the salaries and expenses of personnel to carry out a market access program under section 203 of the Agricultural Trade Act of 1978.

Amendment No. 45—Rep. Baldwin (D-WI): The amendment would reduce all funding under the bill by a pro rata amount so that the total reduction is $1 billion. The amendment then redirects $1 billion to the “Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Health Resources and Services,” which the bill has funded at $5.3 billion.

Amendment No. 50—Rep. McCollum (D-MN): The amendment would restrict funds made available by this Act from being used by the Department of Defense for sponsorship of NASCAR race cars.

Amendment No. 67—Rep. Polis (D-CO): The amendment would prevent the rescission of funds used for paying the subsidy and administrative cost of projects eligible for Federal credit assistance under chapter 6 of title 23, United States Code, provided by division A of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Amendment No. 69—Rep. Polis (D-CO): The amendment would not permit the rescission of stimulus funds appropriated or otherwise made available for the creation of jobs.

Amendment No. 73—Rep. Royce (R-CA): The amendment would reduce by $10.7 million the amount made available to Related Programs, East-West Center. The amendment would also increase by $10.7 million the State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Spending Reduction Account. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.

Amendment No. 80—Rep. Gardner (R-CO): The amendment would prevent the use of funds made available by this Act from being used to first-class or business-class airfare for federal employees for domestic travel.

Amendment No. 81—Rep. Gardner (R-CO): The amendment would reduce by 50 percent the amount of funds made available by this Act to pay for expenses for official travel.

Amendment No. 82—Rep. Gardner (R-CO): The amendment would rescind the unobligated balance of funds made available by section 1005 (b) of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.

Amendment No. 83—Rep. Emerson (R-MO): The amendment would prohibit funds made available by this Act from being used by the IRS to implement or enforce section 5000A of the Internal Revenue Code, section 6055 of such Code, and section 1502 (c) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Amendment No. 87—Rep. Pompeo (R-KS): The amendment would reduce the funding levels for Army procurements by for procurement of equipment by $15 million; for Navy procurement of equipment by $15 million; for Air Force procurement of equipment by $15 million; for Defense-wide procurements by $15,000,000, and Defense-wide procurement of equipment by $15 million. The amendment reduces the funding levels for the Army’s research, development, test and evaluations for the Army, Navy, and Air Force by $105 million each and Defense-wide operation of facilities and equipment by $127 million. The amendment would eliminate the funds $3.2 million in funds made available for program management and oversight of innovative research and development. The amendment would transfer the $502.4 million in savings into the Defense subcommittee’s spending reduction account. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.

Amendment No. 98— Rep. DeFazio (D-OR): The amendment would reduce by $24 million the amount made available to the Independent Agencies, Selective Service System, Salaries and Expenses. The amendment would also increase by $24 million the amount made available to the Financial Services, General Government Spending Reduction Account. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.

Amendment No. 99—Rep. McDermott (D-WA): The amendment would prohibit any funds made available in this Act from being used to plan for, begin, continue, finish, process, or approve the relocation of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Marine Operations Center-Pacific from Seattle, Washington, to Newport, Oregon.

Amendment No. 104—Rep. Jordan (R-OH): The amendment would perform a 5.5 percent across-the-board cut of all accounts in eight non-security divisions of the CR; and an 11 percent across-the-board cut of all accounts in the Legislative Branch bill. The amendment would not cut any funding for Israel.

Amendment No. 105—Rep. Price (D-NC): The amendment would reduce funding for the “Department of Homeland Security, Office of the Chief Information Officer” for data center development and mitigation from $333.3 million to $314.9 million (a reduction of $18.4 million).

The amendment would also reduce funding for the “‘Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration, Aviation Security’’ from $5.1 billion to $5.07 billion (a reduction of $33.9 million).

The amendment would reduce funding for the “Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration, Federal Air Marshalls” from $934.8 million to $928.5 million (a reduction of $6.2 million).

The amendment increases funding for the “Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Firefighter Assistance Grants” from $300 million to $390 million (an increase of $90 million), and would allow that the additional $90 million to be used to carry out section 34 of the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974 (expansion of pre-September 11, 2001, fire grant programs). The bill currently has eliminated funding for the pre-September 11, 2001 fire grant programs.

The amendment would reduce funding for the ‘‘Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Predisaster Mitigation Fund” from $65 million to $63.5 million (a reduction of $1.4 million).

The amendment would reduce funding for the “Department of Homeland Security, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services” from $275 million to 265 million (a reduction of $10 million).

The amendment would reduce funding for the “Department of Homeland Security, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, Research, Development, and Operations’’ from $293 million to $273 million (a difference of $20 million).

Amendment No. 108—Rep. Whitfield (R-KY): The amendment would reduce funds for the U.S. House of Representatives salaries and expenses by $1.5 million and transfer the funds into the Legislative Branch spending reduction account. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.

Amendment No. 109—Rep. Griffith (R-VA): The amendment would prohibit funds in the bill from being used to carry out, implement, administer, or enforce any policy or procedure set forth in an EPA and Defense Department memorandum entitled “Enhanced Surface Coal Mining Pending Permit Coordination Procedures” dated June 11, 2009. The amendment would also prohibit funding to set forth the guidance issued by the EPA entitled “Improving EPA Review of Appalachian Surface Coal Mining Operations under the Clean Water Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and the Environmental Justice Executive Order.”

Amendment No. 112—Rep. Barletta (R-PA): The amendment would reduce funding by $42,676,000 for the United States Institute for Peace, and would increase funding by $42,676,000 for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Planning and Development, Community Development Fund.

Amendment No. 114—Rep. Barletta (R-PA): The amendment would reduce funding by $42,676,000 for the United States Institute for Peace, and would increase funding by $18,000,000 for the Department of Energy, Energy Programs, Clean Coal Technology.

Amendment No. 120—Rep. Gohmert (R-TX): The amendment would prohibit any assistance made available by this Act from being provided to a country that opposed the position of the United States in the United Nations, subject to exemptions by the Secretary of State or the President, with “opposed the position of the United States” defined as a member country voting with the U.S. less than 50 percent of the time in the most recent session of the General Assembly.

Amendment No. 140—Rep. Braley (D-IA): The amendment would prohibit any funds made available by this Act to any office of the legislative branch from being used for the procurement of an item that is not grown, reprocessed, reused, or produced in the United States, under the same terms and conditions applicable under section 2533a of title 10, United States Code, to funds made available by this Act to the Department of Defense.

Amendment No. 155—Rep. Burgess (R-TX): The amendment would strike a section (paragraph 11 of section 101) of the Education Jobs Fund Act (P.L. 111-226).

Amendment No. 156—Rep. Burgess (R-TX): The amendment would strike a section (paragraph 11 of section 101) of the Education Jobs Fund Act (P.L. 111-226).

Headline of the Day: Voodoo Sex Ignites Fatal Brooklyn Fire

When I hear the phrase "voodoo sex" I think about dolls put in improper positions or how Michelle Obama was conceived. Remember the tales of Michelle Obama's mother practicing voodoo in the White House shortly after Barry and Michelle moved in?

In Brooklyn, voodoo sex is blamed for a fatal fire.

From Fox News:

Candles used in a voodoo sex ceremony ignited a fast-moving fire that swept through a Brooklyn, N.Y., apartment building on the evening of February 19 and into early February 20, 2011, and killed a woman, according to FDNY fire marshals and a city official.

I don't even want to know. Fire Department officials say this could have been prevented. You think? Let's hope the White House doesn't soon go up in flames.

Obama Signs Patriot Act Extensions: Power corrupts; Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

There was a time when Barack Obama was a vocal critic of the Patriot Act, specifically the illegal wire taps. Now he is President, he is not only advocating the Patriot Act, he is calling for more legal immunity for when the federal government tracks Americans. This is one of the reasons I hoped the Patriot Would be defeated, but Obama signed the Patriot Act extensions passed by Republican efforts in the House earlier this week.


As a candidate for president, then-Sen. Barack Obama railed against parts of USA Patriot Act that gave the Bush administration sweeping powers to intercept phone and e-mail communications in the name of fighting terrorism with little judicial or congressional oversight, and Obama pledged to institute "robust" checks and balances if elected.

What do they say about power?

Power corrupts; Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

Gingrinch Wants to Impeach Obama and Probably Run for President To

Newt Gingrich is right. It's the job of the President of the United States to execute the laws of the United States of America. Obama's recent decision not to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, based on the fact Obama doesn't believe the law in Constitutional, is a violation of the duties of the President of the United States. By the way, isn't it funny when a federal judge rules Obama's healthcare plan as unconstitutional, Obama wants to enforce it anyway?

Gingrich brought up the "I" word, impeachment for Obama if he fails his duties as President to execute the laws of the land. While I agree the federal government should not decide on the gay marriage issue, the federal government must step in to decide what to do if a gay couple gets married in a state that recognizes gay marriage and they reenter a state that doesn't recognize gay marriage. Gay marriage is a states rights issue, but when it crosses state lines, it becomes a federal issue. Which is why Obama not enforcing the law is dangerous and a threat to federalism.

Gingrich points out there would be a double standard if Palin had failed to execute the laws of the land as President.

“President Sarah Palin” had taken a similar action, there would have been immediate calls for her impeachment. Asked directly whether Obama could be subject to articles of impeachment, Gingrich said, “I think that’s something you get to much later. But I think clearly it is a dereliction of duty. Clearly it’s a violation of his constitutional oath. Clearly it is not something that can be allowed to stand."

Gingrich points out that Obama campaigned in favor of the defensive marriage act, but is now breaking a promise to the American people. As well, Obama's appointed Attorney General Eric Holder has warned Obama against not executing the Defense of Marriage Act.

I agree with Mr. Gingrich on this. This can't be allowed to stand. I also wonder if this is Newt's warning shot, "I'm running for President and Obama--not Mitt for Brains Romney is my target."

Cheap Trick Promotes Rockford as a Place to Hide for Wisconsin Democrats

Fans of BBCW know I am a huge Cheap Trick fan. In fact, the last time I saw Cheap Trick in Naperville, I bumped into guitar god Rick Nielsen, who is featured in this lastest tourism video encouraging cowardly Democrats from Wisconsin and Illinois to consider Rockford, Illinois, as they hideout. It's really a funny video considering the cowardly Democrats in both Wisconsin and Indiana.

Billy Long Votes for $100 Million in Federal Funding of Professional Sports Teams: NASCAR and Other Sponsorships

Billy Long voted to continue federal sponsorship of NASCAR.

I love NASCAR. My favorite driver, 2008 Daytona 500 winner Ryan Newman, drives the #39 US Army Chevrolet. While I want Newman to have good sponsorship to ensure his success on the track, I am concerned about the massive amount of debt the federal government continues to rack up, and when I see that #39 US Army Chervolet on the track along with Dale Earnhardt Jr's National Guard Car and other military sponsorships, that's money that could be cut out of the federal budget.

Last week, Representative Betty McCollum from Minnesota offer Republicans help to achieve their $100 billion in spending cuts. She sponsored Amendment 50 of HR, which would restrict funds made available by this Act from being used by the Department of Defense for sponsorship of NASCAR race cars. McCollum estimated the federal government has spent over $100 million in sponsorship of race cars and other sports teams like Lance Armstrong's US Postal Cycling team over the past decade.

The Army's sponsorship of Ryan Newman totals $7.4 million this year. AJ Allmendinger is sponsored by the US Air Force at at total of $1.6 million a year. Then there is JR. The National Guard spends $20 million a year to sponsor Dale Jr. This is a good chuck of money, and it shows that McCollum may be low on her estimate.

So as the Republicans struggled to come up with $100 billion in spending cuts, which Billy Long told his constituents "he got 'er done" they actually fell short by $39 billion. I guess we can blame Billy Long for part of this shortfall. After all, he voted against HR1 Amendment 50 to cut NASCAR sponsorships.

Now looking at the Constitution, I see where it is the federal government's job to provide for a common defense. I am not sure a common defense includes putting military logos on a stock car and other racing machines. Further more this continues to prove that Billy Long wasn't fed up with wasteful federal spending like he claimed to be. I love NASCAR, but this is another one of those times the federal government needs to tighten the belt. This was something Long promised, but apparently too many trips to Washington buffets has actually forced him to loosen his belt.

Apparently It's Not Just the Ozark, Missouri School Board Giving Parents the Runaround on IB

Last night, the Ozark, Missouri school board hosted a meeting. They notified the public at the last minute of the meeting, and the meeting was described as "by the IB book" by some who attended. By the IB book means the school board isn't going to answer a lot of questions that challenges the ideas of the IB--which has a globalist agenda. In a time where many parents want more local control of their schools, IB gives some control to an international governing body.

Apparently giving the runaround to parents isn't only practiced at Ozark High School. A parent in Greenwich, Connecticut, with similar concerns as some parents in Ozark filmed her experience at an IB meeting hosted by her local school district, and she too describes she has experienced the same runaround that parents are discovering here in Ozark. I wonder why that is if the International Baccalaureate is all that the Ozark school board says it is?

My experience with Dr. Pace when I have asked questions about IB has been avoidance at first. When I push more questions, he eventually answers with as few words as possible without addressing my concerns. When asked about how the IB's views comply with his Christian views taught at Evangel College, where he holds a degree, Dr. Pace accused me of a character attack without answering my concerns about how the IB teaches against Christianity.

Well, here's the video from the woman in Connecticut. It's not only Ozark where parents are concerned about this globalist agenda Dr. Pace and the school board is trying to spend your tax dollars on in hopes you children will subscribe to this globalist indoctrination.

Has Billy Long Going to File FEC Charges Against Jack Goodman?

This is interesting? Scanning my Web traffic today, I noticed the Federal Election Commission is doing research on what may be Billy Long's biggest threat to turn him into a one-term Congressman. The FEC is doing searches for Jack Goodman, who was Long's main challenger last year, which you can see they hit the BBCW site.

Now considering Long's actions in which his campaign not only filed FEC charges through a Long campaign worker named Andrew Bruner against this blog and a 17 year-old blogger, but also Congressman Long's office obviously gave an enemies list to the FBI, is Long maneuvering to put pressure on Jack Goodman to keep him out of the 2012 Republican primary? Will Long continue looking like a bully by possibly trying to connect Goodman and Miles Ross to Long is Wrong? Of course, Long risks being exposed for possibly being behind the Defeat Nodler site, if in fact Long is playing bully with his political enemies. Just some speculation, but it's interesting none-the-less.

For the record, Jack Goodman would make a great Congressman unlike the current MO-7 representative. I will be willing to testify under oath that Jack Goodman had no knowledge of the inner workings of Long is Wrong. Like I said before, the idea came from one of Long's other opponents.

Nancy Pelosi Edits DNC Praise of Nancy Pelosi Through Her Daughter

The Democratic National Committee decided it was time to honor former Speaker Nancy Pelosi. More proof the Democrats love less than mediocrity, while the Republicans seem to settle for mediocrity these days. The DNC wrote a proclamation of praise towards Pelosi, and a strange thing then happened.

Former Speaker Pelosi decided there wasn't enough praise in the proclamation, so she had it edited and added more praise through her daughter. Isn't that one of the problems in Washington--to many politicians who supposedly represent the people constantly praising themselves? It really is a sign of the times.

From the Politico:

When the DNC's Resolutions Committee brought up a resolution commemorating Pelosi's years as speaker of the House, Pelosi's daughter sought to alter the proposal at her mother's behest, adding some of the accomplishments that the elder Pelosi felt the committee had overlooked.

"I have some friendly amendments," said Christine Pelosi, a political strategist, at the committee's session during the DNC Winter Meeting at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel Thursday afternoon. She is a member of the committee.

"You think I'm kidding," Christine Pelosi added, to surprised laughter from the room. The proposed changes, she indicated, came out of a discussion with her mother.

First, Pelosi wanted to add a mention of her fight against HIV and AIDS, because it was "why she went to Congress." Then, she wanted to insert a paragraph on her "accomplishments for equality," mentioning the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 and the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" in December.

"Finally, since, as she said, 'I'm not going anywhere,' she wanted to add, in the final 'whereas' clause, '...and will continue the fight for America's working families,'" Christine Pelosi said.

On the Other Hand Charlie Sheen is Right about the TSA, "Gestapo-like Force"

While Charlie Sheen's name calling of Thomas Jefferson is unforgivable, considering Jefferson's greatness and putting his life on the line to declare Independence, Sheen was right about one thing in his interview with Alex Jones yesterday. The interview caused CBS to stop production of Two and a Half Men indefinitely.

Sheen directed some of his anger at the TSA, specifically the incident where a 9-year-old was patted down by the TSA after getting off a train.

Sheen offered a warning to the TSA thugs. “Touch my children and I would eat your hands off your frikkin’ arms.”

He went on to call the TSA a Gestapo-like occupying force, stating “Anyone who wants to ignore it deserves to have their privates fondled by some clown who worked at Wal-Mart seven minutes before that….losers and clowns and trolls all of them.”

“Touch my children and I would eat your hands off your frikkin’ arms,” Sheen raged.

Of course Sheen isn't the only one angry with the TSA placing their hands all over the young child's body simply for getting off a train, which the kid proved he was no threat. Gizmodo writes:

“Indeed, this doesn’t make sense at all. Why search people after the train trip? What’s the logic here? Did the TSA got an alert that dangerous 9-year-old terrorists were coming in a train to Savannah? Perhaps it was TSA Surprise Training Time? Or maybe it was TSA Let’s Piss Off People Day again?” asks Gizmodo’s Jesus Diaz.

Another Bush Embarassment

GM's Stock is Now Falling as Oil Prices Go Up: Truck and SUV Sales Will be Affected by Rising Oil Costs

Remember the summer of 2008? General Motors most profitable vehicles (truck and SUVs) sat on dealership lots. Why? Because nobody wanted to fill them up with gasoline at $4 plus a gallon. This of course put General Motors in the position where it needed a bailout the following year, a bailout it still hasn't paid back and probably will never pay back.

Well, the summer of 2011 isn't going to be kind for GM if 2008 is an indication. Hints at that are beginning to show as oil has taken a a sharp rise in recent weeks.

(Bloomberg) -- General Motors Co. fell to the lowest since its initial public offering in November as rising oil prices dimmed the outlook for truck sales after the largest U.S. automaker’s most profitable year since 1999.

GM slid $1.57, or 4.5 percent, to $33.02 at 4:15 p.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. The shares earlier fell as low as $32.05, less than the $33 initial offering price in November.

Now remember, this stock price is critical to the American taxpayer. It is the hope the stock will rise that gives taxpayers any hope of recovering any of the rest of the bailout money.

CBS Cancels Two and Half Men after Charlie Sheen Calls Thomas Jefferson a "Pussy"

Does it get any worse than Charlie Sheen? Well maybe Sean Penn. During a radio interview yesterday on the Alex Jones show, Sheen claimed he was completely clean and then began his rants. Now I don't mind him attacking CBS, which he called the producer of his show Two and a Half Men, a turd, but then went on to call Thomas Jefferson, who put his own life on the line to challenge King George to declare independence from England, a "pussy."

Please tell me what greatness Sheen has excelled to (other than possibly passing a pee test) to insult Thomas Jefferson and his accomplishments?

So Two and Half Men has been canceled for the rest of the season and may not return, and I say good riddance. I liked the show, but his insult to Thomas Jefferson is unacceptable considering Sheen's erratic lifestyle inside the hospital for help and back again, not to mention his behavior towards women.

Democratic Union Rhetoric: "Get a Little Bloody", Representative Michael Capuano

Wasn't it just last month Democrats began attacking Sarah Palin for some harmless cross hairs on a map? Get this, one Democrat is encouraging unions like in Wisconsin to get out on the streets and "get a little bloody." Obviously, unless these union protesters are falling down and banging up their knees, the only other way to get bloody is through violence.

Representative Michael Capuano gave the violent rallying call at union meeting in Boston.

“I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going,” Capuano said, according to the Statehouse News. “Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.”

Of course, Democrats have a long history of promoting violence with unions. Remember the town hall meeting near St. Louis Russ Carnahan (D-MO) held as his SEIU union thugs "got a little bloody."

Of course, Sarah Palin is really the problem here. It's not the words of Democrats and the union thug friends. It's just some harmless little spots on the maps, and this behavior from Democrats and unions are perfectly acceptable. Right?

Freddie Mac to Soon Hand Over $1.7 Billion Loss to American Tax Payers

Here's another example of something the Republicans could have cut in their meager $100 billion in budget cuts that shrunk to $61 billion. Why are tax payers still subsidizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? As the Republicans failed to reach their $100 billion in promised spending cuts, this is another program that could have gotten them closer to their goals. Yet, I have heard nothing said about ending these disastrous programs that continue to cost taxpayers.

The AP reports today that Freddie Mac lost $1.7 billion last quarter. (Wanna bet someone is getting a bonus there anyway?) Oh, but you the American taxpayer will soon be bailing them out meaning Freedie Mac didn't lose the money, the American taxpayer lost the money. All in all, Freddie Mac lost nearly $20 billion in 2010. Why are Republicans keeping the life support on this failure? You promised $100 billion in cuts, start cutting? Are you listening Congressman Billy Long, or does your real estate company that I have seen no evidence of you selling benefit too much from these programs?

Freddie Mac is asking for federal aid--a bailout if you will. They are currently asking for $600 million to help get them through. Like I said, this has been transferred to your debt, and the Republicans who went to Washington to put a stop to this don't appear to interested in stopping much these days.

As the federal government prepares to give this money to Freddie, Freddie doesn't paint a picture that gives me hope they are good to pay the money back.

The company said the recovery of the housing market is still fragile.

"As we begin 2011, the housing recovering remains vulnerable to high levels of unemployment, delinquencies and foreclosures," Chief Executive Charles Haldeman said in a statement. "We expect national home prices to decline this year as housing will continue to take some time to recover."

Let me ask you a question. Gas prices are rising and may hit $5 a gallon by Memorial Day weekend. This means energy costs for homes are going to rise too. It also means more of your income will be directed in other directions, which raises the question, how is the housing market going to recover in these tough times with so much uncertainty. Obviously, our federal government doesn't think this way, and they are probably trying to figure out where to send the check right now.

Shut the Government Down Please!: Windmills and Green Energy Could Be Big Victims in Government Shut Down

This next story is a real shame. It appears the real victims of a coming government shut down may be windmills and the amoebas the government continues wasting your tax dollars on believing they are the next black gold. The Politico Reports today the Department of Energy, and especially their green energy initiatives will be the hardest hit  if the government shuts down.

I say shut it down. Do it today! Windmills and amoebas are a waste of taxpayer dollars, so why are the Republicans delaying--which if you didn't read yesterday, John Boehner has a plan to keep it going. Oh brother!

Despite the Obama administration’s efforts to recast the image of the Energy Department with a focus on clean energy and technology deployment, a government shutdown would temporarily drain the agency of everything but its national security operations.

I'm curious, why the Republicans didn't cut these programs in their incredible shrinking $100 billion in meager budget cuts promise to begin with? For how many years have we heard Republicans promise to end this useless bureaucracy, and it never gets done. Perhaps, a government shut down is the way to get things done in Washington. Just put a sign on the door saying closed, and please leave it there permanently.

TSA Harasses 9 Year Old Train Passenger Getting Off the Train: TSA Groping After Deboarding

I thought the TSA was supposed to protect us during pre-boarding--AT AIRPORTS. Check out the video from Savannah, Georgia's train station, in which a 9-year old and another kid get the TSA pat down (or love pats if you are Senator Claire Mama Caskill) after getting off the train.

The passenger filming the video explains the incident:

The only bad thing on our trip was [the] TSA at the Savannah train station. There were about 14 agents pulling people inside the building and coralling everyone in a roped area after you got off the train. This made no sense! Poor family in front of us! 9-year old getting patted down and wanded. They groped our people too and were very unprofessional. I am all about security, but when have you ever been harassed and felt up getting off a plane? Shouldn't they be doing that getting on? And they wonder why so many people are mad at them.

So it appears the TSA is preparing for Obama's high-speed rail, which is another strike against riding the train. Why are these people being groped after they get off the train?

Why Constitutionally Billy Long Probably Shouldn't Be Your Congressman: Districts Are Too Big to Represent Effectively

How can this simple man honestly
represent over 700,000 people?
Have you written your Congressman in recent years? Ever notice how slow the response is? They often read your letter months after they voted on the issue of your concerns--and that is if they even read it at all. Letters to Claire Mama Caskill (Senator Claire McCaskill) and then Congressman Roy Blunt in the past 24 months yield what appears to be a form letter that barely addresses the issues I addressed in my letters, which tells me Congress probably has a document management (electronic content management) system that seeks out keywords and sends a standard form letter to the constituents who take the time to write based on keywords in the letter. As I have exposed here before, Claire Mama Caskill's letters never address my concerns, but are merely rhetoric for supporting Obama.

It appears to me in America these days, who donates the most to a Congressional candidate, whether they live in the district or not, is who gets represented. Then a guy like me who is critical of their Congressman, well let me tell you I have written Long's office three times now and have not received a single reply.

Yesterday's census statistics for released for redistricting should tell you all you need to know. We don't have enough Congressmen in Washington. Therefore, Congressman like Billy Long can put those special people who donated the big bucks to his campaign first while ignoring both of us. This is a problem in Washington.

The numbers show Billy Long represents 721,754 people in Missouri's Seventh District. How could one man go to Washington and even attempt to voice the opinions and concerns of 721,754 people? They can't, and this is a problem that our Republic faces as the average man is left out of the whole legislative process in Washington, DC--they are overlooked for big donors and lobbyists--something Long quickly proved when he got to Washington.

Missouri's Congressional districts throughout the state shows how the average person is being shut out from being represented in Congress. Let's take a look at those numbers:

The 2010 population figures released, by district:

District 1 – 587,069

District 2 – 706,622

District 3 – 625,251

District 4 – 679,375

District 5 – 633,887

District 6 – 693,974

District 7 – 721,754

District 8 – 656,894

District 9 – 684,101

When our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, they were very specific about the number of people an elected member of the House of Representatives should represent. From Article One Section Three:

The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five and Georgia three.

So the Founding Fathers said that a Representative in Congress should represent no more than 30,000 people. That is manageable and that would keep special interest in check if it were enforced today. However, Congressmen like Billy Long are trying to manage over 20 times that, which means many people are getting shut out of the debate for special interest, lobbyist, and of course major donors. This is a problem, and considering we have 300 million plus people now living the the United States, we should have 10,000 members of Congress--not 435.

I know what you are thinking. How could we fit 10,000 members of Congress into the Capitol building? That's easy. Members of Congress could meet in smaller federal venues based on geographic locations, and propose and vote on legislation. Then based on the outcome of their votes, selected members could then go to Washington to represent these Congressmen presenting their votes to the Speaker. It's really not as hard as it sounds.

Of course the good thing about 10,000 members would be it would be a larger challenge to get things done in Washington, which would help contain big government, since it's easier to pass bills with less people than deal with 10,000 differing opinions. Since the federal government far too many times has stepped outside of the boundaries of the Constitution, this isn't a bad thing.

As long as Congressmen like Billy Long are given the task of representing over 20 times more people than what the Constitution prescribes, they are given a long leash and soon forget about the little guy that was made promises too for those who show up as the big donors on their campaign reports. So for 691,000 Southwest Missourians, Constitutionally, Billy Long probably shouldn't be your Congressman. If Billy Long really believes he is a citizen legislator like he campaigned on, then he should agree with this assessment so more citizens can be active in the process by having more access to their legislator through representation of smaller numbers.

Was Rahm Emanuel's Chicago Election Fraud a Test for Obama 2012?

The national debt has skyrocketed in the past two years. Gas prices may hit $5 a gallon by Memorial Day weekend. Stimulus failed to stop the bleeding as more Americans are unemployed. More Americans are dying in combat in an endless war in Afghanistan. Foreign policy is a bigger joke than ever as the Middle East appears the most unstable its been in my lifetime. This is America under Barack Obama.

The odds are against Obama getting reelected--that is in a fair election. Stories coming out of Chicago from the time Rahm Emanuel suggested he was going to run for mayor also suggest foul play. Erich Mancow Muller commented on the recent Chicago mayor election, and the word fraud came to my mind. Listen to this fascinating interview:

My question is, considering the failure that is the Obama presidency, was Chicago a test run for the 2012 Presidential election? Did the Obama administration ask Emanuel to run for mayor, as they embraced Mayor Richard Daley's brother Bill into the administration, as a test run to pull off the unimaginable in 2012 by hijacking an election? When you hear some of the things Mancow says in the interview, you have to wonder if the Obama administration pulled some strings as suggested and then took notes to see what worked and what didn't. I guess I don't need to remind you about how easily electronic voting machines could be rigged.

Remember the virus that hit Iran's computers that is now believed to have come from the United States. All it would take is an Obama wins virus to infect key electoral states, and the unimaginable could happen.