John Boehner lost the support of six Republicans with his plan to prevent the government from shutting down. Reps. Justin Amash (R., Mich.), Michele Bachmann (R., Minn.), Louie Gohmert (R., Texas), Steve King (R., Iowa), Ron Paul (R., Texas), and Walter Jones (R., N.C.) all voted against Boehner's meager $4 billion spending cuts to prevent the shutdown. Amash was the only freshman to vote no.
The two-week spending resolution cuts spending by $4 billion dollars and ensures the government will function at full steam ahead for another two weeks. By the way, to show you how insignificant this $4 billion in cuts is, the federal government spends $36 billion a day as of 2008, and as of 2007, the daily average added to the national debt totaled $4.15 billion. That number has skyrocketed since Obama took office.
Why is John Boehner so intent on keeping the government operating at full-capacity rather than slow it down until Democrats are willing to cut critical programs that continue this absurd building of the national debt?
I support the efforts of my GOP colleagues to move the budget process along so that we can work toward serious spending reductions. Unfortunately, this budget cuts spending at the rate of only $133 million/week or $6.95 billion/year. That’s four-tenths of one percent of our annual deficit.
By the way, fed up with wasteful spending Billy Long once again sided with the establishment. oh, yes Long continues to prove himself as a budget-cutting JOKE.