I believe the Federal Government has not Constitutional authority to be involved in education. The more the federal government pushes a one size fits all education policy, the more it seems American test scores suffer. Now, all across the United States, more and more schools, like Ozark High School in one of the most conservative areas of the country, are looking past the federal education program and are looking to give up more local control to an international body. You heard me right. The program is called the International Baccalaureate, and it's the same globalist agenda Barack Obama and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers pushed through the Chicago Public Schools.
The curriculum is approved by the United Nations and developed in Europe--far away from American schools. It teachers children to be good little globalists. I have been recently introduced to a book written by Lisa E. McLoughlin. Her book, titled Redefining Rigourous: The Truth About the International Baccalaureate details why Ozark High School and school systems across the United States should approach the IB with caution.
Redefining Rigorous