Hans Christian Anderson's tale The Emperor's New Clothes, tells the tale of a not very bright leader who is exposed to his followers. In the first two months of Congressman Billy Long's first and hopefully only term in Congress, we have quickly learned Billy Long has stripped naked and exposed who he is, and it's not a pretty site.
With news coming out of Washington that Billy Long will not caucus with the Tea Party Caucus, the final piece of fraud has been ripped away from Long's body, and I say good. Anyone who believed Billy Long was Tea Party and not establishment was a fool. However, isn't it funny after Vicky Hartzler voted to continue federal funding of Amtrak, she thinks she can pass herself off as Tea Party? She joined and Long didn't.
Billy Long has embraced the establishment of Washington DC. His best friend these days appears to be Republican Gun Grabber Peter King, who Long seems to have no problem co-sponsoring legislation with. So let's look at Billy Long's Tea Party record, the same Billy Long who said he was Tea Party before Tea Party was cool.
In his first two months, Long voted against the Constitution and for the Patriot Act. Shortly before his Patriot Act vote, Long used the FBI's office to intimidate a Tea Party blogger into silence. All the while, Long has yet to introduce any legislation that cuts federal spending while lying the Republicans cut $100 billion in federal spending, when they didn't even get close, while Congressman Long voted to continue funding wasteful Washington spending like sponsoring NASCAR teams. So finally, because Long must be fed up with Tea Parties and trying to convince people he is Tea Party, he decides he won't caucus with the Tea Party Caucus as now his entire soul has been exposed as the establishment. Your Congressman has no clothes. Will you continue to believe his lies?